Tsunami affected Trinco students treated to variety show
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 07 March 2006, 02:15 GMT]
The Children World International of United Kingdom with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Monday held a variety entertainment show as a part of traumatic counseling for tsunami-affected students in Trincomalee district, NGO officials in Trincomalee said. More than five hundred students participated in the show held at Namagal Tamil Vidiyalayam located in Trincomalee town, sources said.
Mr. Paddy Hill and Mr. Charles Miller of the World Children International arrived from England and held the show with the participation of students. Mr. Paddy Hill was the workshop leader. Parents and teachers also attended the show. Mr.Wisanu Prawongchai, IOM Trincomalee head, and other IOM officials also participated.  Students seen with resource personnel of Children World International.