Vallai Textile Mills inaugurated defying SLA obstruction
[TamilNet, Friday, 16 July 2010, 16:46 GMT]
Board of Directors of Vallai ‘Ceylon Spinning & Textile Mills Ltd.’ located in Uduppiddi in Vadamaraadchhi inaugurated the re-establishment project of the above concern by unveiling its name board defying Sri Lanka Army (SLA) orders to keep out of the site on claims that it is reserved as ‘Army Land’, Vadamaraadchi sources said. SLA officials stopped Tuesday the initial efforts by Uduppiddi Welfare Society and other public organizations to renovate Vallai ‘Ceylon Spinning & Textile Mills Ltd.’ which had ceased to function for more than twenty years due to war. The event was followed by a public meeting attended by nearly a hundred persons including local residents and members of Uduppiddi Welfare Society and other public organizations of the area.
Sri Lanka minister, Douglas Devananda, who was invited as a special guest to the event unveiled the name board. Douglas Devananda said in the meeting that he would raise the issue of SLA obstruction to restart Vallai ‘Ceylon Spinning & Textile Mills Ltd.’ with Gothabaya Rajapaksa, Sri Lanka Defence Ministry Secretary and would avail his full support in the re-establishing of the concern. ‘Ceylon Spinning & Textile Mills Ltd.’ postal address is Vallai Textile Mills, Uduppiddi. Uduppiddi residents said that they will continue work on the project ignoring SLA restrictions. Uduppiddi Welfare Society had organized the above event.