Picketing in Jaffna as EPDP stays put with armed forces' guard
[TamilNet, Thursday, 21 November 2002, 14:40 GMT]
Several hundred people Thursday picketed the headquarters of the para
military Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP) located in Jaffna town,
demanding their immediate withdrawal from the Neduntheivu (Delft) islet.
Sources in Jaffna said Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers and armed police personnel are now guarding the EPDP headquarters.
Picketing outside the EPDP office in Jaffna.
Earlier today, the picketers clashed with the police when the latter
attempted to remove loudhailers used by the protestors. Meanwhile, the Jaffna District People's Movement (JDPM) has announced that
the picketing would continue in front of the EPDP headquarters on a rotating
basisuntil the EPDP withdrew its members from Neduntheivu.
Armed police on guard outside the EPDP headquarters.
In the meantime the Jaffna University Students' Union has started
collecting food rations to be sent to Neduntheivu as acute shortage of
essential items prevails in the islet. The passenger boat services between
Neduntheivu and islets have come to a halt following the agitation campaign
by the villagers against the presence of EPDP members, the sources said.