[TamilNet, Tuesday, 30 June 2015, 13:45 GMT]
Colombo's Ministry of Public Administration has interdicted six Eezham Tamil Village Officers (GS) in Karaichchi division of Ki'linochchi District a week ago. The reason given was that the SL Defence Ministry wanted the 4 female and 2 male GS officers to undergo ‘military rehabilitation’, meant for ex-LTTE members with immediate effect. The interdicted GS officers are not ex-LTTE members. But, the reason cited for the military rehabilitation was that there were ex-LTTE members, either living or dead, in their families or among their close relatives. The shocking harassment from the UNP-run Defence and Public Administration ministries of the SL State shows that nothing has changed with regards to the military rule in the occupied country of Eezham Tamils, concerned civil sources in Ki'linochchi told TamilNet on Tuesday.
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[TamilNet, Tuesday, 30 June 2015, 02:56 GMT]
 Dr Murugappa Panchapikesan, a renowned Eezham Tamil expert in Naathasvaram, who passed away on Friday in Colombo at the age of 91, received a heartfelt funeral at his native village of Changkaththaanai in Chaavakach-cheari in Jaffna on Monday. Eezham Tamil academics, artists, civil and cultural activists turned out in large numbers to pay their last respects to the artist, who was held in high esteem for his contribution to the music using Naathasvaram, which is the most widely used wind instrument in weddings and auspicious rituals of cultural and religious significance among the Tamils.
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[TamilNet, Monday, 29 June 2015, 23:22 GMT]
 Sri Lankan Minister of Resettlement and Reconstruction Mr D.M. Swaminathan, who visited Jaffna on Monday publicly admitted that his ministry was been unable to release lands and provide for resettlement of the uprooted people from Valikaamam North as it had been promised by himself earlier. The SL military has not been cooperating as required in the release of lands as promised, the powerless Colombo-based Tamil minister said passing the blame from political leaders to the occupying military establishment. The visiting UNP minister was addressing the elected representatives, civil officers and the organisations representing the uprooted Tamils from Valikaamam North at two places, in Thelliappazhai and at the Jaffna District Secretariat.
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[TamilNet, Sunday, 28 June 2015, 23:06 GMT]
 SL President Maithiripala Sirisena on Sunday visited the Sri Lanka Navy Eastern Naval Command, which was responsible for the secret incarceration camp known as ‘Gota’ camp, where more than 700 former LTTE members, including 35 families, have been illegally detained for more than 5 years. Mr Sirisena, who was acting Defence Minister under the Rajapaksa regime, is answerable for the genocidal incarceration by the Eastern Naval Command of the SLN, Eezham Tamil activists in Trincomalee said. The SL President is the Commander-in-Chief of the three armed forces.
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[TamilNet, Saturday, 27 June 2015, 19:21 GMT]
Rajapaksa-appointed and Maithiripala-extended ‘Presidential Commission to Investigate into Complaints regarding Missing Persons’ (PCICMP) resumed its public sittings on Saturday at Moothoor Divisional Secretariat in the Trincomalee district. Around 300 relatives of the missing people and civil activists protested outside the venue, while 159 people who had been invited by the PCICMP for hearings took part in the sittings. The protesters were demanding international investigations. Even those who attended the sittings had no trust in the commission, said Mannaar Citizens' Committee vice chairman A. Sagayam. His committee had urged the people to take part in the sittings.
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[TamilNet, Wednesday, 24 June 2015, 23:20 GMT]
Military intelligence operatives of the occupying Sri Lankan military in Batticaloa district has recently stepped up surveillance and intimidation of those who take part in civil, economic, cultural and religious meetings in all the 14 divisions of the district, according to the instructions coming from Colombo, informed sources in Batticaloa told TamilNet on Wednesday. The new regime in Colombo, claiming ‘good governance’, continues the ‘military governance’ through its genocidal Sinhala military in an attempt to control the civil affairs in the district, said civil activists who have been subjected to intimidating calls from the SL military operatives in recent days.
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[TamilNet, Tuesday, 23 June 2015, 19:33 GMT]
The EPDP leader and a former SL Minister Douglas Devanada lost control of the affairs of the SL State-run industrial establishments such as the Palmyra Development Board and the Elephant Pass Saltern to the new collaborator of the SL regime in Colombo. The new collaborator, D.M. Swaminathan, who is a Colombo-based Tamil representing the UNP has virtually lost control of his own institutions. Five months have elapsed since the Elephant Pass Saltern was assigned to the SL Minister of Resettlement, Reconstruction and Hindu Religious Affairs. But, his ministry is still not in control of the key institution. The UPFA-affiliated controversial SL Minister Rishad Bathiudeen is controlling the affairs of one of the major industrial entity in North through Maanthai Salt Ltd., which comes under his ministry, civil sources in Jaffna told TamilNet on Tuesday.
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[TamilNet, Monday, 22 June 2015, 23:08 GMT]
 While the civil officials in Mannaar are struggling to locate lands to settle Eezham Tamil refugees, who are scheduled to be sent back from India with the facilitation by UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the SL Ministry of Resettlement, the occupying SL military in Mannaar has put up noticeboards claiming ownership to more than 50 acres of public lands along the A32 highway between Tha'l'laadi and Thirukkeatheesvaram. The Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) has recently seized these lands near the notorious Tha'l'laadi military base, civil sources in Mannaar told TamilNet on Monday. The SL military is scheming a military cantonment to facilitate long-term Sinhalicisation of the Mannaar mainland, the sources further said.
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[TamilNet, Sunday, 21 June 2015, 15:02 GMT]
Tamil National Alliance Councillor representing the Ampaa’rai district in the Eastern Provincial Council (EPC) T. Kalaiyarasan on Sunday condemned TNA Parliamentary Group Leader R. Sampanthan for failing to secure the release of the occupied lands of Eezham Tamils in the district. “Nothing has been delivered to Tamils in Ampaa’rai district despite Mr Sampanthan representing the TNA being a member of the apex body of the present SL Government in Colombo,” the TNA Councillor from the East said. The so-called National Executive Council has failed to deliver anything to Tamils in the 100-day programme, he said.
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[TamilNet, Friday, 19 June 2015, 20:28 GMT]
 Around 30 of 47 acres of lands seized together with residential houses outside the so-called High Security Zone (HSZ) in Jaffna district still remain occupied by the Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) in Neduntheevu (Delft), Maruthangkea'ni of Vadmaraadchi East and in Thellip-pazhai, according to the latest data collected by the District Secretariat in Jaffna in February 2015. SL Police has occupied 88 houses, SLN has seized 57 properties and the occupying Sri Lanka Army (SLA) keeps 23 properties outside the ‘military zones’ in the district. The SL military has reiterated several times now that it has no plan of reducing the military deployment in the country of Eezham Tamils. The Chief Minister of Northern Provincial Council, Justice CV Wigneswaran, who has been demanding de-militarisation of North recently characterised the density of SL military occupation as one soldier per 4 civilians.
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[TamilNet, Wednesday, 17 June 2015, 23:20 GMT]
 The office of the SL Governor to North, HMGS Palihakkara, who was one of the eight panellists earlier appointed by former SL President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the so-called Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), was an an official co-organiser to the pompous ceremony organised together with Ranaviru Seva Authority (RSA) of the occupying Sinhala military in Jaffna on Wednesday. ‘LLRC’ Palihakkara himself was the chief guest of the ceremony organised in remembrance of the ‘fallen war heroes of three forces and the Police’. Mr Palihakkara has forced a section of Tamil public servants in the North to accompany him to the military ceremony. Tamil journalists in Jaffna have boycotted the event. The NPC councillors said they were not informed of public servants associated with the NPC being taken to the event.
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[TamilNet, Monday, 15 June 2015, 21:24 GMT]
 The 3rd Congress of the Asia-Pacific Greens Federation, held in Wellington, New Zealand, between 12-14 June has successfully resolved urging international investigations on the allegations of genocide, war-crimes and the ongoing human rights abuses in the island of Sri Lanka, despite reluctance coming from a section of Australian Green Party, influenced by US-agenda Tamils against such a resolution, informed sources in New Zealand told TamilNet. For their ‘reluctance’, Australian Green Party sources privately cited ‘conflicting messages’ coming from Tamil activists. The Australian Tamil Congress (ATC), which is a member of the so-called Global Tamil Forum (GTF), the GTF ‘strategic initiative’ director Mr Suren Surendiren and TNA's nominated parliamentarian Mr M.A. Sumanthiran have met the Australian Greens in March to influence them towards their agenda, the sources further said.
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[TamilNet, Saturday, 13 June 2015, 23:48 GMT]
Wildlife Department officials operating along the border of Batticaloa-Polonnaruwa have become the chief operatives deployed to drive Eehzam Tamils away from their villages in Paduvaan-karai, say civil sources at the District Secretariat of Batticaloa. The ‘wildlife’ operatives have been encouraging Sinhala colonisers to run illegal breweries to sustain their needs as well as to maintain the violent conduct of the ‘home guards’ Sinhala paramilitary. In the meantime, around 70 Tamil villagers have so far lost their lives due to the uncontained attacks by wild elephants in Paduvaan-karai area alone.
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[TamilNet, Thursday, 11 June 2015, 23:46 GMT]
The occupying SL Navy is trying to lure a section of the uprooted landowners in Champoor in Moothoor East to sell their residential and fertile lands to SL military. Informed sources told TamilNet Thursday that the SL Navy has demanded the new regime in Colombo to allocate large sums of money for the so-called relocation of its military cantonment in Champoor. The SL Navy is not prepared to shift the military cantonment to a remote location away from the people. The SL Navy was seeking ‘alternative’ lands consisting fertile agricultural and residential lands of the uprooted people, the sources further said. The SL Navy has worked out a new plan to modernize its military cantonment, the sources further said.
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[TamilNet, Wednesday, 10 June 2015, 22:45 GMT]
The SL Government in Colombo and the Eastern Provincial Council (EPC) have failed to allocate financial resources to resettle the uprooted people in Batticaloa district, EPC Councillor R. Thurairatnam told media on Wednesday. The uprooted people from seven of fourteen divisions in the district have been struggling without proper assistance while Colombo and the EPC keep ignoring their needs despite repeated appeals, he said.
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[TamilNet, Monday, 08 June 2015, 15:51 GMT]
Tamil diaspora groupings don't need to get locked into any premature donor-brokering process that enables the Sri Lankan regime to claim that a domestic process of so-called reconciliation was being agreed upon by the Tamil diaspora, Northern Provincial Councillor M.K. Shivajilingam told TamilNet on Monday, responding to the news of a premature donor brokering by third parties through a South Africa facilitated twin-track process. All the donor States have their development agencies through which they can assist the resettling people in Valikaamam, Champoor and in other places, Mr Shivajiingam told TamilNet adding that Tamil diaspora should be firm in effecting internationally-guaranteed and internationally-mediated solutions including an international investigation on genocide as demanded by the Northern Provincial Council.
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[TamilNet, Thursday, 04 June 2015, 19:23 GMT]
30 Eezham Tamil families, whose lands have been illegally seized by Sri Lankan Deputy Minister of Housing and Samurdhi Amir Ali Sahabdeen, protested on Thursday against the injustice, which has caused ethnic disharmony at Mu'raa-oadai village situated 4 km south of Vaazhaichcheani in Batticaloa district. The SL Minister who seized the lands by making false land deeds has handed over these lands to his supporters from other districts, the Tamil landowners accused.
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[TamilNet, Wednesday, 03 June 2015, 23:09 GMT]
 The uprooted Tamil villagers from Murukkaiyadi-munai in former LTTE-administered Vaakarai division situated north of Batticaloa staged a protest on Wednesday demanding immediate release of lands that have been seized from them by the occupying Sri Lankan military during the genocidal onslaught on Vaakarai between May 2006 and March 2007. When the uprooted Tamils wanted to resettle in their village, the SL military deceived them to put their signatures on documents written in Sinhala and English promising them resettlement. The uprooted people later realised that the papers they were tricked into signing were in fact documents that confiscated their village from them.
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[TamilNet, Tuesday, 02 June 2015, 22:39 GMT]
On the invitation by the occupying Sri Lanka Navy in Trincomalee, Sinhala Buddhist extremist monks belonging to Bodu Bala Sena (Buddhist Power Force) have been exerting pressure on the Sri Lankan Police in Moothoor to keep the uprooted Tamils away from their lands in Champoor, informed sources in Trincomalee said. The BBS has also been exerting pressure on the Sri Lankan Gateway Industries (SLGI) to file complaints with the SL Police to maintain the status quo of occupation until the final verdict is issued on the on-going court case.
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[TamilNet, Monday, 01 June 2015, 23:06 GMT]
 The killing of 43-year-old Mathisayan Sachchithanantham last Tuesday at Ma'ndoor situated 40 km south of the city of Batticaloa, has caused fear among the Eezham Tamil social activists in East. The slain victim was a leading social activist, who had confronted the previous administration of the Murukan temple, where corruption prevailed with the backing of civil administrative officers appointed by the occupying Sri Lankan State. The slain activist has also been vocal in opposing the construction of a playground at a river delta in his native village, close friends of the slain activist told TamilNet on Monday adding that paramilitary operative Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan, has been backing the construction of the controversial playground. The activists say social activism among Eezham Tamils has been seriously threatened by the anti-people elements promoted by the occupying SL State.
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