Security tightened in Muttur after bomb blast
[TamilNet, Friday, 05 December 2003, 15:37 GMT]
The Sri Lanka Army and police Friday strengthened the security of the
Muttur town following the death of a Muslim person, Mr. Raheem alias Bala, in a bomb blast that had taken place in Muttur town close to a mosque Thursday
night around 7.30 p.m., police said.
The Trincomalee police headquarters said that security forces had recovered
another live grenade at the site where the incident had taken place. Meanwhile, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Friday denied any
involvement in the Muttur bomb blast. The Trincomalee district LTTE
political division said it suspected the bomb blast had been due to a clash
between two factions of an armed Muslim group in the area, sources said. In the meantime, security forces Friday said Kinniya division has been
limping back to normalcy as religious and community leaders have been
working closely to monitor development in the area after a series of
killing of eight Muslims by unknown persons.