Book on Malaria released in Kilinochchi
[TamilNet, Monday, 15 December 2003, 13:24 GMT]
''An Investigation on Mosquitos in Vanni Region,'' a book written by Ponmail Rajathurai, an entomological investigator, under the direction of Dr.K.Sujanthan, Regional Medical Offecer, Anti Malaria Campaign, Vanni Region, was released at a launching ceremony held on 14th dec 2003 at Kilinochchi.
The author with wide practical experience in the field and deep scientific knowledge on mosquito borne diseases has written a timely, immensely useful and practical book that will help to combat the deadly disease, attendees to the ceremony said. In addition to death caused mainly among the poor section of population with inadequate medical facilities, malaria has life-long effects on cognitive development. Among children adverse impact on education caused by malaria-induced anaemia and time lost to illness in the classroom add further long term impact to the community. Malaria is a parasitic disease, caused by protozoa of the genus Plasmodium. The parasite is transmitted to human beings through the bite of a female mosquito belonging to the genus Anopheles. Human malaria is caused by four species of Plasmodium: P. falciparum, P. vivax, P. ovale and P. malariae. P. falciparum is the most common in the tropics and can be fatal if not promptly treated. The classic clinical course of malaria consists of bouts of fever accompanied by other symptoms and alternating with periods of freedom from any feeling of illness. The intermittent type of fever is usually absent at the beginning of the disease, when headache, malaise, fatigue, nausea, muscular pains, slight diarrhoea and slight increase of body temperature are the predominant and vague symptoms, often mistaken for influenza or a gastro-intestinal infection. Most severe forms of the disease result in organ failure, delirium, impaired consciousness and generalized convulsions, followed by persistent coma and death.
Inaguration Speech
The author of the book Mr. Ponmail Rajathurai speaking at the event
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