NECORD conducts capacity building workshop for NE contractors
[TamilNet, Thursday, 15 January 2004, 15:16 GMT]
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded North East Community Restoration
Development project (NECORD) in collaboration with German Technical
Co-operation (GTZ) is to hold seven capacity building workshops in
the districts of NorthEast province for small and medium size contractors
working in the northeast development projects. Workshops are aimed to
enhance the knowledge of the local contractors about the construction
industry, sources said.
The first in the series of workshops will be inaugurated in Trincomalee at
Uppuveli Pastoral Centre on January 16. The main objective of the three day
workshop is to build up capacity for smaller and medium size contractors
who are working for ADB and World Bank (WB) funded development projects in
the NorthEast province and to address problems they face in the
construction industry, NECORD sources said.
The second workshop will be conducted in Jaffna on February 6,7 and 8
followed by Mullaitivu on February 18,19 and 20, Killinochchi on February
21,22 and 23, Vavuniya on March 2,3 and 4, Batticaloa on March 6,7 and 8
and Amparai on March 16,17 and 18, sources said.
The workshop will be conducted in Tamil medium in close co-operation with
the Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICTAD) and the
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).
The Chief Secretary of the NEPC Mr.S.Rangarajah and NECORD Project Director
Mr.T.Lankaneson are expected to participate in the inaugural event of the
workshop in Trincomalee, sources said.
At the end of three-day workshop a certificate, jointly signed by ICTAD,
NECORD, CIMA and GTZ will be awarded to each participant who followed all
the sessions of the workshop and have passed a test conducted in multiple
choices at the end of the workshop.
Problems faced by contractors in working with ADB and WorldBank funded development
projects would be aired at the workshop by representatives of each district
contractors' association.
Likewise government officials from relevant
departments would also table their problems they confront when working with
contractors, NECORD sources said.