150 centers accept postal votes in Batticaloa today
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 24 March 2004, 11:09 GMT]
Batticaloa district Assistant Election Commissioner, S.Krishnananthalingam, said that postal voting is in progress at 150 Government Centers today. The voting process is being observed by two members of the Election Observer delegation from the European Union, according to sources in Batticaloa.
Election officials said that 5312 applications were received for postal voting and 338 were rejected for non-conformance with the voting regulations. 4974 were declared eligible for postal voting. EU Observer Delegation members, Mr.Roeder from Germany, and Mr.Matti from Finland, together with local observer Mr.Ameen met with Returning Officer and Government Agent, Mr.Mounaguruswamy and Mr.Krishnananthalingam before proceeding to witness postal voting at different locations. Candidates from different political parties and Independent candidates were present at the voting locations, which included Batticaloa District Secretariat and Batticaloa Pradeshya Sabha building.