"LTTE will remain militarily strong"- Semmanan
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 27 July 2004, 00:00 GMT]
"Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) will defeat government's hidden agenda to weaken our military and political strength," said Mr.K.Semmannan, Deputy Political Head of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, Jaffna district said when speaking at a meeting of the Thamileelam Resurgence Forum held in Karainagar Subramaniam Vidiyalayam Monday.
Mr.Semmanan and Mr.Kaanakan, Karainagar LTTE political head lit the common flame of sacrifice. "For the last two and a half years LTTE is adhering to the ceasefire
agreement and maintaining utmost patience to make the peace talks a success. But the Sri Lanka Government is trying to use the peace climate to weaken us. We have faced such attempts in past. With the support of our people we will overcome all such efforts by the SL Government," said Mr.Semmanan. "We must achieve our political goals while maintaining our military strength. The success of the peace talks critically depends on it," said Mr.Semmanan. Tamil Resurgence Forum Karainagar area President Mr.V.Sitsabesan presided.