SLA loses tanks, withdraws - LTTE
[TamilNet, Monday, 20 April 1998, 23:59 GMT]
The Liberation Tigers announced in the Wanni this evening that the Sri Lankan Army launched a three pronged offensive from it's positions in Olumadu and Moondumuripu in the early hours of the morning today. They said that they counter attacked the SLA's advance and that there was fierce fighting from morning 5 a.m. to 12 noon.
Three SLA Main battle Tanks were destroyed and three were damaged by them in the fighting they said. The Liberation Tigers claimed that the SLA withdrew as a result of their fierce counter attacks, and that they have captured a large number of modern weapons from the SLA. The LTTE said that a large number of SLA soldiers were wounded and killed by mortar fire from their positions today and that two Tigers were killed in the fighting. Meanwhile, hospital sources in Anuradhapura said that the condition of more than thirty five SLA soldiers who were wounded in the fighting at Olumadu today is serious. A large number of SLA casualties were due to LTTE mortar and artillery fire said army sources in Vavuniya. Informed sources in Vavuniya said that the SLA casualties by this evening could be more than 240. They are being flown to Colombo and Anuradhapura they said.
Related Articles:20.04.98 Operation Jayasikurui resumes 15.03.98 Heavy fighting in Olumadu 24.02.98 SLA advance repulsed - LTTE