Tamil Media Alliance holds award ceremony
[TamilNet, Monday, 29 November 2004, 16:59 GMT]
Former news editor of Virakesari and Sudaroli newspaper Mr. S. Edward won the Senior Journalist award during the annual award ceremony held by Sri Lanka Tamil Media Alliance (SLTMA) at the Wellwatte Ramakrishna Mission Hall Sunday, sources in Colombo said.
Chief guest and former High court chief judge Mr. C.V. Vickneswaran, Virakesari and Thinakkural Managing Directors Mr. Kumar Nadesan, and S.P. Saamy, and Colombo University academic Mr S. Chandrasekaram, gave away the awards during the ceremony. Vice President of SLTMA and Thinnkural weekly Deputy Editor Ms Devagowry gave the opening speech and Sub Editor at Virakesari, Mr S. Chithrajan, welcomed the attendees. Senior Announcer award was presented to Ms. Rajeswary Shanmugam Of Srilanka broad casting Corporation. The Best Journalist awards were presented to Mr. K. Jeevakadas of Virakesari, Thinkkural editorial department staff journalist, Mr. M.A.M. Nilam, Soorian FM chief news editor Mr. S Kuruparan, free lance journalist Mr. K. Raveendran, and Upcountry free lance journalist Mr. S. Sridaran. Best Photo journalist award went to Virakesari's Joy Jeyakumar, and Thinakkural's A Yogamurthy won the Best Cartoonist award. The news editor of Eelanatham Mr. S. Sivapalan was presented with Nimalarajan Award. Thinkkural Batticaloa District correspondent Mr. S. Vethanayagam was given the Nadesan award. Tamil National alliance (TNA) Parliamentarians,Upcountry Tamil parliamentarians, Ambassadors and journalists from different media participated in the event.