More beauty contests in Jaffna
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 28 April 1998, 23:59 GMT]
Forty three school girls have applied to participate at beauty contests to be held in three areas in the Jaffna peninsula, said sources. This has prompted the Vadamaradchi East Arts and Cultural Forum to issue a statement condemning what it called the deterioration of morals in Jaffna society.
Of the 43 applicants, 14 applied from Thenmaradchi, 17 from Palai in the Patchinapalli area, and 12 from the Thaalaiyadi area in Vadamaradchi East. The Vadamaradchi East Arts Forum in its statement deplored the holding of beauty contests as these would only lead to the deterioration of Tamil culture and traditions. It also urged the parents of the girls who have applied to participate in the contest, to persuade their children not to take part.
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