Muslims demonstrate against Tsunami aid discrimination
[TamilNet, Friday, 04 February 2005, 15:12 GMT]
Thousands of Muslims demonstrated in the main coastal towns of the Amparai Friday against the Sri Lankan government for denying them Tsunami aid. Protestors poured out of Mosques in Sainthamaruthu, Maalikaikaddu, Ninthavur and Kalmunaikudi and Maruthamunai after Friday afternoon prayers, carrying placards and shouting slogans against the President Kumaratunga's government.

The demonstrations were organised by local mosque trustee boards. Muslims in densely populated towns along Sri Lanka's southeast coast suffered severely when the Tsunami hit. "Everyday we see Sinhala politicians in the government laying foundations to improve the lot of their people who were affected by the Tsunami. But nothing has come our way despite the passage of 41 days since the sea destroyed our lives", said a spokesman for Sainthamaruthu mosque trustee board.
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