JVP reiterates threat to quit ruling coalition over aid deal
[TamilNet, Monday, 13 June 2005, 00:29 GMT]
Leaders of Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), marxist coalition partner of the ruling allliance, demanded a written statement from Sri Lanka's President Ms Chandrika Kumaratunge that the Joint Mechanism proposal will not be signed. "If this written assurance is not forthcoming JVP will leave the ruling coalition, the United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA), on 16 June. We will also agitate for the resignation of the President," said JVP leader Somawansa Amarasinghe at a meeting in Galle Saturday evening.
Hundreds of Buddhist monks and the supporters of the JVP took part in the meeting held to protest the Joint Mechanism.
"We will not accept her statement to the chief prelates. We will never allow the President to sign the joint mechanism even if she tries to get approval from the Mahanayake Theras. JVP stands firm in its demand that the Joint Mechanism is abrogated immediately. Our June 16th deadline stands," Mr Amerasinghe said. "Donor countries and lending agencies including the World Bank cannot dictate terms to a sovereign country. Sri Lanka's President should not be dancing to their tunes. Srilankans will never allow sharing of power with the Liberation Tigers through the Joint Mechanism. We will support only a unitary constitution. We will always fight against a federal constitution as the Tigers will use a federal setup as a stepping-stone for a separate state. Joint mechanism is part of Tigers' ISGA proposal. All Sri Lankan should show their opposition to the Joint mechanism, Mr Amerasinghe concluded.