Trinco Anbu Illam students excel in religious competitions
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 01 November 2005, 00:07 GMT]
Three students of the Trincomalee children home "Anbu Illam" who excelled in an island-wide Hindu religious competitions held in Colombo to mark the fifth All Ceylon Sekkilar Conference were honored at an event in Trincomalee Vigneswara Maha Vidiyalayam during the weekend.
 Winning students seen with Anbu Illam President Ms Sithithevi Pathmanathan (L) and Secretary Ms Rajeswary Thedchanamoorthy (R)
 Tharmini receiving medal and certificate from Mr.Arumainayagam
Miss T.Tharmini of Trincomalee Sri Shanmuga Hindu Ladies College won the first place in the elocution contest for upper division. Miss K.Mathuranthini of Vigneswara Maha Vidiyalayam and Master R.Thenujan of Trincomalee Koneswara Hindu College came second in Pannisai competition in the intermediate and junior divisions respectively. At the inaugural event of the two-day seminar for Hindu religious teachers held in Trincomalee, Mr.Sundaram Arumainayagam, Divisional Secretary handed over the gold medal to Miss Tharmini and prizes to other two winners. The seminar was organized by the Hindu Religious Cultural Affairs Department for Trincomalee applicants who are to sit for the first island wide competitive examination to be held later this year by the Commissioner of Examinations for the recruitment of teachers to teach Hinduism in a schools, sources said. Mr.S.Mahendrarajah, Cultural Officer of the Department presided. Anbu Illam recently received noteriety with its prevoius administrator reprimanded by the Court for child abuse and the adminstration was transferred to the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO).
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