Heavy rains worsen Tsunami refugees' woes
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 09 November 2005, 17:59 GMT]
Heavy rains drenched Trincomalee town and other
villages in the district Wednesday evening for about three hours flooding
roads and lanes, bringing the traffic almost to a halt. Several tsunami
affected families sheltered in temporary huts located in coastal areas sought refuge in nearby
public buildings and temples as rainwater entered their dwellings through
roofs and by ground, non-governmental organization sources said.
Most of the temporary shelters had cadjan roofs that were vulnerable to heavy rains. NGO activists rushed to move families in affected shelters to safer places, sources said. Trincomalee district has been experiencing rainfall since last week But
Wednesday's rainfall was the highest. Soldiers of the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) deployed in many junctions in the
east port town took cover in building located close their sentry points,
sources said.