Trincomalee begins Heroes' Day commemorations
[TamilNet, Friday, 25 November 2005, 22:02 GMT]
Villages in the Liberation Tigers (LTTE) held Muttur east and Eachchilampathu division in the Trincomalee district are decorated with yellow and red flags to mark the beginning of Heroes Day remembrance events. Parents of LTTE martyrs in Muttur east were honored at an event held at Ganeshapuram Central College, and similar events were held in other villages, sources said.
LTTE military and political leaders in Trincomalee district attended events held to honor parents of martyrs. Final day event of the Heroes Week is to be held at Alankulam LTTE mausoleum in Muttur east, sources said. Meanwhile, Heroes Day celebrations began in Trincomalee town Friday morning with the hoisting of Thamileelam national flag and lighting the flame of sacrifice in the premises of Hindu Cultural Hall located along the Inner Harbor Road. Hundred of students and teachers participated. Trincomalee District Tamil Peoples' Consortium organized the inaugural event, sources said. Kuaralumtham K.Vinayagasothy presided over the event held in the Hindu Cultural Hall and addressed by Mr.V.Vigneswaran, President of the (TDTPC), Ms R.Kanmany, President of the Trincomalee Tamil Women Front, Mr.S.Jesuthasan and several others. Bramasiri S.Ravichchandrakurukal, Chief Priest of the Trincomalee Pathirakalai Amman Temple blessed the occasion, sources said.