Heroes day celebrations conclude in Trincomalee district
[TamilNet, Monday, 28 November 2005, 01:44 GMT]
Trincomalee district military commander of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), Colonel Sornam, lit the common flame of sacrifice in martyr's mausoleum at Alankulam in Muttur east Sunday evening bringing the Heroes Day celebrations in the district to a conclusion. Parents of LTTE martyrs, Tamil people and LTTE activists in large number participated in the event, sources said.
Trincomalee military commander Vasanthan lit the common flame of sacrifice at LTTE martyr's mausoleum in Vakarai area Sunday evening. Mr.Suthakar, another LTTE commander in Trincomalee lit the common flame of sacrifice at the newly opened mausoleum in Othiyadichcholai in Nilaveli division, north of Trincomalee town. Parents, close relatives and friends of LTTE martyrs paid homage to their departed loved ones at these mausoleums by offering flowers and lighting candles, sources said. In Trincomalee town the final event of Heroes Day celebration was held at the Hindu Cultural Hall located along the Inner Harbor Road. Mr.Sivakumar of the LTTE political division lit the common flame of sacrifice. Tamils in large number attended the event, sources said