ADB funded pre-school opens in Pooneryn
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 07 March 2006, 11:42 GMT]
A pre-school building, constructed by the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO) with the financial assistance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded North East Community Restoration Development (NECORD) and CAARP, was declared open Monday at Netpulavu village in Pooneryn in the Killinochchi district. Mr.Ramanathan, President of the Socio-Economic Development Society (SEDS) presided the event, sources said.
 Pooneryn Divisional Assistant Government Agent Mr.Srikanthakumar declaring open the building.
TRO has opened the pre-school in Netpulavu under its project to provide better education facilities to rural students in deprived areas of NorthEast. The flame of sacrifice was lit and later Thamileelam national flag, TRO flag and Pre-School Educational Development Centre flag were hoisted. Mr.Nagaroopan, NECORD co-ordinator in the TRO unveiled the name board of the pre-school building and Mr.Srikanthakumar, Pooneryn Divisional Assistant Government Agent, declared open the building. Ms P.Sakunthalathevi, Treasurer of the SEDS made the welcome address. Mr.M.Masilamani, Grama Sevaka Officer of Netpulavu blessed the event. Mr.Sudar, Director of the TRO in charge of the NECORD development project, Mr. Thileepan, Social development Officer, Mr.V.Suntharamoorthy, Agrarian Services Department officer and Mr.Amuthan, Pooneryn Divisional Political Head spoke.  Parents with children.