Trinco private sector told to expedite development work
[TamilNet, Saturday, 11 March 2006, 17:38 GMT]
Rehabilitation and development work in the Trincomalee district should be expedited under a coordinated scheme, representatives of the Trincomalee District Construction Association and private sector organizations responsible for development projects were told at a conference held Saturday at Kadatkaraichchenai, a village in the LTTE held Muttur east, sources said.
Colonel Sornam, LTTE Trincomalee district special commander, Mr.S.Elilan, District Political Head of the LTTE and Mr.Thamilamuthan, District Administrative Head of the LTTE, participated at the conference. The representatives of private sector companies attending the meeting were told the urgent need of completing the development works in time, sources said A nine-point scheme was prepared at the meeting to coordinate and expedite the implementation of all rehabilitation, reconstruction and development works in the district, sources said.