Donors to ensure equity in aid distribution- Norway diplomat
[TamilNet, Thursday, 16 March 2006, 00:15 GMT]
"The donor community is currently focusing its attention in ensuring equity in tsunami aid supply to North East," Mr. Erik F.Brede, Counselor of the Norwegian embassy in Colombo told presspersons when he paid a visit to Naduottu, a village in Kinniya division in Trincomalee district on Wednesday. Mr Brede was in Trincomalee to participate in the handing over event of twenty houses constructed with the funds provided by a group of Norwegian citizens to the tsunami affected families.
Mr. Erik F.Brede is also the Tsunami Rehabilitation Co-ordinator in the Norwegian embassy in Colombo. "We have seen areas that need immediate development. Authorities should address providing livelihood assistance to the resettled people without any delay," said Mr. Erik F.Brede. "East is badly affected in tsunami disaster. Muslims have suffered immensely. A section of the donor community is now focusing its attention in ensuring equity in the distributing aid to the NorthEast and the South. Many members of the donor community are now re-directing their assistance to north-east to address the imbalance," said Mr. Erik F.Brede. He added that he would be leaving to Vavuniya immediately to attend an event in Killinochchi Thursday.