Asylumn seekers in UK face deportation
[TamilNet, Friday, 17 March 2006, 09:10 GMT]
Action Group of Tamil Asylumn Seekers (AGTAS) in U.K. is organising a protest rally against the British move to deport rejected asylumn seekers. "We fear more than 2000 persons have already been either deported or detained by the British authorities during the recent months," said Mr. M. Selvarooban, an organiser of the Action Group. The rally is to be held on Sunday between 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Trafalgar Square in London.
 Photos from earlier protests held by AGTAS in UK
Thousands of Tamil asylum seekers detained at the detention centres in U.K since November 2005 are facing deportation to Sri Lanka, according to the Action Group. "During the recent weeks, around 50 persons per week, on average, are being detained by the Police," adds the Action Group organiser. The asylumn seekers who are instructed to report to the Police on regular intervals get detained when they report at the Police without prior notice, he adds. The Action Group demands include deportation be halted until a peace agreement is reached in Sri Lanka and opportunities for asylum seekers to make representations against deportation. "Political situation in Sri Lanka is still uncertain and deportees will face the threat of indiscriminate arrests by Sri Lanka Security forces under the existing Emergency Regulations in Sri Lanka," said AGTAS spokesperson.
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