Commissioner yet to decide on holding NorthEast elections
[TamilNet, Saturday, 18 March 2006, 10:36 GMT]
Final decision on holding the local elections in the NorthEast will be taken in a few days, said Mr Dissanayake, Sri Lankan Commissioner of Elections, Saturday when District Secretaries of the NorthEast met him in Colombo to discuss the difficulties in holding the local elections on 30 March, Election Department officials said.
Election Commissioner also told the Government Agents (GAs) to look into the possibilities where they can have the elections in Government controlled areas. Postal voting for the elections are set for March 20 and 21st. Before the meeting with NE officials, Dissanayake also met all the GAs and discussed about arrangements for the polls. At this meeting Dissanayake informed that he is inclined to drop an earlier decision of making the National ID card compulsory for voters, the sources added.