Thiruketheeswaram war affected families receive houses
[TamilNet, Saturday, 18 March 2006, 12:38 GMT]
Seva Lanka, a non-governmental organization handed over twenty-four houses constructed in Thiruketheeswaram area in the Mannar district to beneficiaries on Wednesday. Mr.T.Lankaneson, Project Director of the NECORD ceremonially opened the housing scheme, sources said. Funding for the housing projecte was praovided by the North East Community Restoration Development (NECORD) project.
The houses were constructed to resettle the displaced people from Thiruketheeswaram village during 1990 war, sources said. Mr,.V.Visuvalingam, Mannar Government Agent and Mr.K.Nagaratnam, NECORD Mannar District Deputy Project Director and Seva Lanka officials participated in the event. The Sri Lanka Army had allowed about eight hundred perches from its high security zone in Thiruketheeswaram village to build these houses, sources said.