SLA troopers' desecration of Hindu Temples condemned
[TamilNet, Sunday, 26 March 2006, 19:21 GMT]
The Eelam Peoples Revolutionary Front (EPRLF-Suresh wing) of Mannar district condemned willful descretion of Hindu Temples by the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) troopers who enter inside temple buildings and at times inside the inner sanctum with their boots on, sources in Mannar said. Mr.Ratnasigham Kumares, District Secretary of the Mannar EPRLF, urged the Head of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) in Mannar to advice the SLA to obey Hindu customs when entering Temples and to withdraw soldiers of the Sri Lanka Army from the Mannar hospital premises, sources said.
"We consider both these acts basic violations of human rights," said Mr Kumares. EPRLF Mannar district branch in letter to the SLMM head with copies to the Mannar Leader of LTTE Political wing and Wanni district parliamentarians has asked the SLMM to take steps to stop the SLN soldiers from checking fishermen's national identity cards when they go out to sea fishing.