Arrested must be produced in Court sooner, Rights group tells SL Police
[TamilNet, Thursday, 01 June 2006, 19:47 GMT]
Attorney for the Jaffna district offices of Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission(HRC), Mr Remedius, has requested the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) for Jaffna district, to take immediate action to produce in court youths arrested by Sri Lanka Army (SLA) soldiers in Jaffna a meeting held in the at the KKS Special detention center Thursday, sources in Jaffna said.
HRC team comprising of lawyer M Remedius and investigating officer Mrs Romesh Maurice Nishanthan lodged complaints with the SSP that the HRC is seriously concerned by SLA's reluctance to release information
in a timely manner to the relatives of the arrested. Several family members of missing people have registered repeated complaints about the difficulties they are having in obtaining the details including the whereabouts of their arrested loved ones. Mr Remedius and Ms Maurice also visited two youths, Jeyakumar Perinparajah, from Karanavai West, Karaveddy, and Thevamanoharan Yatheeswaran, from Imayanan in
Udupiddy, who were arrested by the Nelliady SLA soldiers, produced at the Nelliady Police station, and brought to the KKS detention center where they are being detained.