LTTE officials in Amparai meet SLMM, raise STF harassment issues
[TamilNet, Saturday, 03 June 2006, 06:04 GMT]
Amparai District Political Head of the Liberation Tigers, Jeya, in a meeting with the Head of the Amparai District Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM), Butti Ercisson, on Friday, raised concern over the recent threats issued to civilian co-operative managements in Thanidiyadi, Thankavelauthapuram and Kanchikudichcharu. STF troopers allegedly thretened the co-operative managements to shut down their services in the villages. Around thousand families were benefiting of the services being offered by the co-operatives, according to a co-operative official in the district.
The ceasefire monitors in the district were briefed on the threats on civilians, the co-operatives and the representatives elected in the local elections, Mr. Jeya, told media after his meeting with the SLMM. The meeting that began at 9:15 a.m. lasted till 11:15 a.m., in Pavattai, the interior west of Thirukkovil. The co-operative managements were warned by the troopers not to lodge any complaint on the threat to the ceasefire monitors or to the Government Agent of the distict. Meanwhile, the members of the Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchchi (ITAK), the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) allaince party, elected to Kalmunai Municipal Council, received threatening letters to resign from their posts. The warning has been sent from Karuna Group’s office, located in the Lake Road, in the High Security Zone of the Sri Lanka Army in Batticaloa. Jeya was accompanied by Veeramani, the political coordinator of the Tigers in Udumpan kottam.