Two bodies exhumed from Kaithady site
[TamilNet, Thursday, 08 June 2006, 11:54 GMT]
Two bodies that were suspected to be buried in Kaithady site were exhumed from the shallow grave near Kaithady bridge Thursday in decomposed state, civil society sources from Jaffna said. A wrist watch was found from one of the bodies. One body was recovered Wednesday near the site where the body of the disappeared Hindu priest was discovered by workers who went for sand mining in the area earlier this week.
The body recovered from the grave site on Wednesday was identified asbelonging to Visuvalingam Paranitharan who was reported missing
one month ago while he was riding on a motorbike on Kopay - Neerveli
road. The body was in decomposed state and was not identifiable.
However, there was a cellphone SIM card in the pocket of the victim's trousers.The telephone number was traced from the SIM card memory and the
family of the victim was located for further identification. The area behind the 600 meter long salt-water preventive bund is being checked for further graves. According to Survey officials who measured the area, the grave was found between a Sri Lanka Army checkpost 300 meters
west of Kaithadi bridge and an SLA minicamp located 300 meters east. Jaffna Government Agent, K. Ganesh, Human Rights Commission Jaffna
Co-ordinator T. Surendran, Lawyer M. Remedius, SLMM officials,
Divisional Secretaries from Kopay and Chavakacheri, gramasevakas from
the area were present at the site being protected by the Military Police.