Construction worker's body with assault injuries found in Polikandy
[TamilNet, Friday, 09 June 2006, 09:52 GMT]
The body of Rasiah Muraleeswaran, 42, of Meesalai East, a mason employed in the FORUT housing scheme for the tsunami affected at Nilavan Settlement Scheme in Polikandy in Vadamaradchy north was found at the building site Friday morning with severe assault injuries, sources in Polikandy said. Injuries indicated he was bludgeoned to death, said sources. Nilavan settlement, where the body was found, is located within the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) High Security Zone (HSZ), and is guarded 24 hours by SLA troopers.
Rasiah Muraleeswaran, the father of two children, had earlier worked for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) tsunami rehabilitation scheme before joining the FORUT as a mason. Meanwhile, another mason, Rajani, 26, from Pungudutivu, working in the same housing scheme of the FORUT, has been reported as missing from Thursday, said sources.