Independent Tamil homeland, a reality, not a myth -Elilan
[TamilNet, Monday, 19 June 2006, 11:02 GMT]
"Tamils as a people entitled to right to self-determination and the freedom of Tamil homeland is not a myth but a reality. The hardline Sinhala leadership in the South would come to know this soon," said Mr.S.Elilan, Trincomalee district political head of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) addressing a gathering of Tamil civilians who participated the civil defence training programme in several villages in the Muttur east Monday, sources in Trincomalee said.
 Mr.Elilan speaking.
 civil defence training.
Elilan was responding to a statement issued by the Peace Secretariat of Sri Lanka that the proposed State of Tamil Eelam is only a myth and the Government of Sri Lanka and the international community would not allow the creation of such a state in this island. Civilians in Muttur east are attending civil defence training classes in large numbers. One such training class was held in Ganeshapuram Monday and addressed by Mr.Elilan, LTTE sources said. Even amid the aerial attacks and artillery fire launched by the State armed forces in the LTTE controlled territory in the North East, Tamil civilians have been participating in civil defence training classes now being held in Muttur east and this has shown that they are determined to engage in the struggle to liberate our traditional homeland and to live their as free citizens, Mr.Elilan said.  civil defence training.