8 LTTE members killed, 4 wounded in SLAF bombing
[TamilNet, Saturday, 29 July 2006, 07:25 GMT]
Eight Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) members, 2 offiicals and 6 cadres, were killed and four wounded when Sri Lanka Air Force bombed Liberation Tigers' Thenaham Conference Centre in Karadiyanaru, 24 kilometers northwest of Batticaloa. SLAF bombers attacked the LTTE run Thenaham between 11:30 and 12:00 Saturday. Batticaloa Head of Tamileelam War Hero's Affairs, Thamilchelvan mama and Batticaloa Coordinator of Village Development Scheme Ariharan were among the dead, according to LTTE Batticaloa Political Head Daya Mohan. Kfir jets dropped 12 bombs in three rounds, destroying the Conference Centre.
Kavi, Mathusuthan, Chensudar, Uravan, Sujeevan and Lokithan were LTTE cadres killed in the attack, according to Mr. Daya Mohan. The LTTE officials were having a preparatory meeting ahead of a public event scheduled to be held Saturday. Thenaham was the LTTE's headquarters in Batticaloa District earlier. Later, it was made guest house and was being used as Conference Centre by the Tigers. Foreign diplomats and SLMM officials were received by the Tigers at Thenaham. The attack on LTTE Conference centre, during an LTTE meeting, has taken place while Sri Lankan Minister of Disaster Relief Services Ameer Ali Shihabdeen was conducting a meeting at Batticaloa Municipal Council auditorium, civil sources in Batticaloa town said. Two bombs were also dropped in Illupadichchenai in LTTE controlled Batticaloa. SLAF bombers were continuing their bombing campaign for the fourth day in LTTE controlled areas.  Thenaham Conference Centre [Library Photo]