Three killed in Vavuniya
[TamilNet, Thursday, 22 February 2007, 06:03 GMT]
A young man was shot dead by unidentified men at Ukulankulam in Vavuniya, Wednesday night. Meanwhile, police said that they have received information from public about two bodies dumped at Rasenthirakulam and Mamadhu in Vavuniya.
Thiyagarajah Mahendrarajah, 28-year old family man was shot dead by men ridding in a motorbike, around 9:30 p.m., Wednesday, accoring information given to the police by the local residents. He was working as carpenter at Kovil Kulam. He was brought in motorbike by armed men to Thiruchenthur Mill junction in Ukulankulam and executed, according to the residents of the area. A Sri Lanka Army captain was shot dead at this place recently, they said.
Related Articles:21.02.07 Three bodies with cut wounds recovered in Vavuniya