May Day observed in Vanni
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 02 May 2007, 10:41 GMT]
Hundreds of residents of different parts of Vanni participated in the May Day events held Tuesday in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts, sources in Kilinochchi said. Three separate regional events were held in Kilinochchi district, and the event in Kilinochchi town was held in the Kilinochci Co-operative Hall at 10:00 a.m.
A. Ketheeswaran from Kilinochchi Secretariat, Shanmuganathan from Palai Divisional Secretariat, President of NGO consortium I. Kaneshapillai, President of Northern province Multipurpose societies, P. Kanagalingam, Jaffna District Public Organizations' President Solomon Susiril, and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Jaffna district Deputy Political Head S. Illamparithy addressed the meeting held in Kilinochchi Co-operative Hall.