Col. Charles laid to rest in Ki'linochchi
[TamilNet, Wednesday, 09 January 2008, 01:29 GMT]
The remains of Col. Charles, Head of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) Military Intelligence, killed Saturday evening in a random Claymore attack by Sri Lanka Army (SLA) Deep Penetration Unit in Pa'l'lamadu in Mannar, was laid to rest with full military honours in Kanakapuram Heroes Cemetery Monday.
An event paying homage to Col. Charles was held, before his remains were interred, in the Cultural Hall in Ki'linochchi presided by Kalaivaanan, Ki'linochchi area LTTE political wing head. LTTE Head of Intelligence Wing, Poddu Ammaan, LTTE Political Head, B. Nadesan were among others who paid tribute to Col. Charles in the event, Ki'linochchi sources said.

Poddu Ammaan, Head of LTTE Intelligence Wing addressing in the Cultural Hall in Ki'linochchi.
The procession carrying the remains of Col. Charles started in front of Ki'l'nochchi Central College along with percussion band march
reached the Cultural Hall where the slain leader's body was kept for people to pay their last respects.
Col. Theepan, LTTE Commander of Northern Front lit the Common Flame
while Col. Charles' wife garlanded her husband remains. She was followed by Charles' children, parents and siblings who paid their reverence garlanding the remains.
"The Sinhalese regime has declared a war on the Tamils with the unilaterally withdrawal from the Cease Fire Agreement. The sudden
loss of Col. Charles is a great loss at this critical juncture," B.
Nadesan said in his speech paying homage.
"We have met many challenges and losses in our liberation struggle in the last three decades, militarily, politically and diplomatically. Col. Charles had been instrumental in our various victories in these spheres. His memory will inspire us to continue our struggle with determination afresh," Nadesan added.
Thousands of people paid their last respects to the remains of Col.Charles in the event.
Poddu Ammaan, B. Nadesan, LTTE Vavuniyaa District Commander Velavan,
Col. Balraj, Malathi Special Force Commander Vithusha, Sothia Special
Force Commander Col. Thurga, LTTE Financial Head Thamilenthi, LTTE Head Office Administrative Head Neethan, LTTE Intelligence Wing
Mathavan, Col. Pirapa of LTTE Military Intelligence Wing, LTTE
Education Council Head V. Ilankumaran and Senior LTTE member K. V. Balakumaran paid their respects garlanding the remains of Col. Charles.
Poddu Ammaan Head of LTTE Intelligence Wing, Mathavan of LTTE Intelligence Wing, LTTE Commander Kowsalyan delivered tribute speeches in the event.
LTTE intelligence unit head Poddamman speaking at the funeral of Col.Charles said, "Charles served as a lightning rod and withstood the immense pressures of military intelligence with great courage. He was the central point of a revolving axle."
More excerpts from Poddu Amman's speech follows:
“Charles was introduced to me during the critical times of the presence of Indian Peace Keeping Forces (IPKF).
"Some become the topic of news during their life times but there are some who could not become news even after their demise. Charles was in charge of such a group - the incognito black tigers - and faced the pressures of huge responsibilities of co-coordinating their activities with great courage.
A military analyst once said, "Those who are in the fore font in the battlefield are not the real heroes. Instead it is those who stand behind and guide the battle and withstand the great pressure involved are the real heroes.
“In this context, Charles withstood the various dangers involved during the multitude of dangerous operations he guided to perfection. While operating in the front line or when functioning behind the scene, he faced the various obstacles and set backs with great courage and self confidence.
“When our organization was involved in peace talks during the period of Premadasa, we received credible intelligence reports that Ranjan Wijeratne, the then Defense minister and the Sri Lanka military were hatching a plan to assassinate our National leader in Jaffna. With our limited resources available to us at that time, we foiled their plans and forced them to restrict their activities within Colombo. Col.charles went to the capital, and with meticulous planning, he was able to thwart the efforts of the enemy and nullify their murderous plan.
"Col.Charles has contributed so much during the liberation struggle. Let us remember his great deeds, remember his philosophy and march forwards towards freedom," Poddu amman said.