Tamil trader shot dead in Kaaththaankudi
[TamilNet, Saturday, 12 January 2008, 15:08 GMT]
Unidentified armed men shot and killed a Tamil trader in Selva Nakar in Kaaththaankudi police division in Batticaloa district Friday around 8:45 p.m as he was going home after closing his shop, Kaaththaankudi police said. Police recovered his body Saturday morning and handed it over to Batticaloa Teaching hospital.
The victim was identified as Kanapathipillai Yogarasa, 48, a resident of Karpala Nakar Veethi in Selva Nakar. The killers shot him at point blank range while he was returning home after closing his shop located around 200 meter from his house. Yogarasa’s body was given to his relatives after inquest into his death was held. Kaththaankudi police continue investigation of the killing. Pillayan group is seen frequently in the area where the trader was killed, local residents said. Selva Nakar is located near the border at Aarayampathi.
Kaaththaankudi is located 8 km south of Batticaloa and Aarayampathi 9 km from Batticaloa.