Government eases graduate unemployment
[TamilNet, Thursday, 17 December 1998, 14:14 GMT]
The Sri Lankan cabinet has decided to provide jobs for 4000 graduates before the end of December, said Mangala Samaraweera, Minister of Posts, Telecommunication and Media. The announcement came at the weekly press meeting at which cabinet decisions are announced.
 Mangala Samaraweera, the spokesman for the cabinet said that this decision was taken by the cabinet on a proposal submitted by President Chandrika Bandaranayake, as the Minister of Finance, Planning and Implementing. One thousand out of the four will be appointed as translators. The Minister said that these graduates will be appointed first as trainees with a salary of Rs.4000/- a month. A large number of graduates are presently unemployed and they had recently staged demonstrations against the government demanding jobs.