Devotees reported missing in Jaffna HSZ
[TamilNet, Monday, 25 August 2008, 09:11 GMT]
A 27-year-old Public Health Inspector and his 34-year-old friend who were among the devotees, allowed to enter Ponnaalai Varadarajah Perumaa'l temple inside the Sri Lanka Army High Security Zone (HSZ) at the entrance to the Kaarainakar island in Jaffna, have been reported missing on Sunday.
The missing civilians are Thevasenathipathy Sukanthan, the health inspector from Cha'ndilippaay West, and Paramanathan Murukanananthan, from Iyanaar Koayiladi Cha'ndilippaay, according to complaints lodged with humanitarian organisations and the government authorities in Jaffna. The SLA, which has militarised the temple area into a HSZ, had allowed hundreds of devotees to enter the temple which observed the annual car festival on Sunday.