Heavy fighting in Akkaraayan, arms seized, 4 SLA bodies recovered - LTTE
[TamilNet, Monday, 15 September 2008, 10:41 GMT]
The Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) officials in Vanni told media that their forces were engaged in a stiff fighting with the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) that launched a fresh attempt to advance in the south of Akkaraayan Monday while the SLA shelling reached the A9 highway. The Tigers said their fighters have located dead bodies of four SLA soldiers and seized weapons including six RPG launchers, nine LMGs and more than 20 assault rifles from the battlefield, causing heavy casualties to the SLA.
Six Rocket Propelled Grenade Launchers, five AK-LMGs, four PK-LMGs, two shoulder fired Light Anti-tank Weapons (LAW), more than twenty T-56 assault rifles, grenades and several military equipments were among the military hardware seized by the Tigers around 1:30 p.m., according to LTTE officials. The Tiger officials said the fighting was taking place 6 km south of Akkaraayan. Sporadic fighting was still continuing.  A tractor with arms seized by the Tigers. Civilians viewing the tractor, along the Akkaraayan road [Photo: TamilNet]
 RPGs and LMGs were among the seized weapons [Photo: TamilNet]