Compulsory registration of Tamils, another act of oppression - TNA MP
[TamilNet, Saturday, 04 October 2008, 13:14 GMT]
Compelling all Tamils from North and East currently residing in Western province to register with police is another act of oppression, and has caused fear and apprehension, stated K.Thurairatnasingham, Trincomalee district Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian in a media communique released Thursday.
The full text of the communique follows:
The Government of Sri Lanka (GoSL) has compelled all Tamils from East and presently residing in Western province to register with police Sunday October 5th. Already those from North were subjected to a similar process. The ruling is likely to be extended to all Tamils from all other provinces. GoSL is already involved in the propaganda that "Fifty percent of those living in Colombo are Tamils," which has evoked serious doubts and apprehension among Colombo resident Tamils. "Meanwhile, the commander of Sri Lankan Army (SLA) has recently stated that "Sri Lanka belongs only to the Sinhalese "and the Prime Minister has said that "this is a Buddhist Nation." Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) has supported these views in a communique issued recently to the Sinhala press.
"While the people in North and East are already facing continued losses and great sufferings, such actions by the government have further increased the hardships of Tamils.
TNA considers such views and actions originating from south Sri Lanka as further acts of oppression of Tamils," TNA's the communique said.