U.S. Tamils urge Ambassador Rice to intervene in Sri Lanka
[TamilNet, Thursday, 05 February 2009, 17:01 GMT]
More than 300 Tamils from New York/New Jersey area held a rally Wednesday afternoon in front of the U.S. Mission to U.N. to highlight the plight of Tamil civilians subjected to daily intense artillery attacks in Vanni, and the persistent human rights violations of the Sri Lanka military. The representatives of the awareness rally in a memorandum addressed to U.S. Ambassador to U.N., Susan Rice, noted her "passion and commitment to prevent genocide," and urged U.S. to "take immediate action to halt the genocide against the Tamils."
 140 E. 45th Street, New York, NY in front of the Permanent US Mission to the United Nations.
Many of the protesters assembled said they have relatives living in the Vanni region. Pointing out that in the last several weeks many legal scholars have raised the possibility of criminal culpability of the Sri Lanka Government officials under U.S. laws, the protesters appealed to Susan Rice delay to take action immediately. The memorandum added that the Australian Foreign Minister Garath Evans' warning earlier that the "military action of the Sri Lankan Government in the LTTE-administered areas would result in large-scale atrocities?Rwanda-style, Srebrencica-style, Kosovo-style," has turned out to be prophetic. Despite sub-freezing temperatures, and the rally being held on a working day in New York city, large numbers attended to show their solidarity with the people in Vanni undergoing genocidal level persecution by the Sri Lanka Government.