Former SLA Commander to be appointed as Mullaiththeevu GA
[TamilNet, Thursday, 03 June 2010, 16:53 GMT]
One of the former Commanders of Sri Lanka Army (SLA), Major Gen. C. R. de Silva, is to be appointed as the new Government Agent (GA) to Mullaiththeevu district in Vanni, sources in Vavuniyaa said. Colombo government and SLA had already begun changing Mullaiththeevu district into a Sinhalese area by declaring it as Weli Oya district consisting of Pathaviyaa, Ma’nalaa’ru, parts of Vavuniniyaa North and Anuradhapura. The appointment of a former Sinhalese military commander to Mullaiththeevu district as GA is another calculated step in making Mullaiththeevu district a Sinhalese area, the sources added.
Present GA of Mullaiththeevu, Ms. Imelda Sukumar, is being moved to the Ministry of Northern Province in Trincomalee and it is said that she had caused embarrassment for the government by asking the resettled Muslims in Mullaiththeevu district to leave the district. Ms. Imelda Sukumar, however, had explained that she had asked the resettled Muslims to leave in view of the danger of landmines they were exposed to, sources close to Vavuniyaa Secretariat said. Meanwhile, Northern Province Governor, former Major Gen. G. A. Chandrasiri, a close friend of Major. Gen. C. R. de Silva, who is on a week visit to Jaffna is to hold talks with C. R. de Silva, sources in Jaffna said.