People’s Bank fails to announce remedial measures to war affected customers in Vanni
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 08 June 2010, 04:31 GMT]
The customers of People’s Bank branches in Vanni who expected alternative measures to be announced in the events of opening three People’s Bank branches Monday in Vanni were greatly disappointed as the key officials, including Governor of Sri Lanka Central Bank, Ajith Nivard Cabraal who participated in the events failed to say anything about their bank documents lost due to war, sources in Vanni said.
Thousands in Vanni had lost all their properties including their important documents like bank deposit books and other documents related to their banks in the war. They find themselves in great difficulties and unable to withdraw cash from their deposits or to redeem pawned articles without the documents. Though they were unable to attend these events they were expecting remedial or alternative measures to be announced in the opening of their banks in Vanni. People’s Bank branches of Maangku’lam, Ki’linochchi and Paranthan areas where uprooted civilians have been allowed to resettle in Vanni which had ceased to function due to war were officially reopened Monday. Only a very few members of the public were present in these events while they were attended by officials from South and a large number of Sri Lanka Army (SLA) officers.