India compels CEPA on Sri Lanka: Dr. Wickrembahu Karunaratne
[TamilNet, Thursday, 10 June 2010, 08:15 GMT]
India is compelling Sri Lanka to sign the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) for the favour of supplying weapons in the war against the Liberation Tigers, Dr. Wickremabahu Karunaratne, the leader of the New Left Front (NLF), said in a press meet held in Colombo Wednesday morning. He further said that India which had been instrumental in the mass killings of Tamils in Sri Lanka is employing schemes like CEPA to bring Sri Lanka under its control. He warned that all trade ventures including small industries in Sri Lanka will become Indian if the CEPA is signed.
India, which had given weapons to Sri Lanka, also sent its troops in the last phase of the war on the Tamils besides helping with satellite technology. Even the arms that had been given to Sri Lanka by other countries had been carefully brought into the war zone with the help of Indian Navy, Dr. Wicremabahu Karunaratne said. President Mahinda Rajapaksa himself had said that he had only carried out India’s war on the Tamils which brings to light the fact that India offered full assistance in the genocidal war against the Tamils and in return for this favour India is now compelling Sri Lanka to sign the CEPA, he added. India, which had acted the part of an elder brother of Sri Lanka is now defaming its little sister, Dr. Karunaratna said.