Don’t trade Tamils’ political aspirations for mere concessions: Tamil academics
[TamilNet, Monday, 14 June 2010, 15:30 GMT]
The Tamil parliamentarians, during this period after war, should not give up the political aspirations of Tamils merely for concessions but should act independently to win the lost rights of Tamils, said a resolution passed in a meeting held Sunday in Colpetty in Colombo, arranged by Tamil academics, sources in Colombo said. Many who participated in the discussion expressed their discontent over the current political activities of the Tamil MPs and emphasized the need for them to observe the calculated moves of the government to settle Sinhalese in the North and East and to engage themselves to counter them. It was stressed that the Tamil parliamentarians should demand a just and honorable solution for the ethnic issue.
The resolution was passed unanimously after discussions which lasted nearly for three hours. It was also stressed that the Tamil MPs should go to their electorates and meet their constituents in every village arousing political awareness, instead of operating from Colombo. The cultural deterioration and Sinhalization of sizeable areas in the North and East under the disguise of ‘development’ and making Tamils politically impotent through concessions were discussed and ways to counter them were suggested in the meeting. It was decided to prepare a report of all the matters discussed and a committe was formed to hand over the report to the Tamil parliamentarians. The organizers of the meeting do not wish to reveal their identity due to security reasons.