2ND LEAD (Correction)
SLA to construct big base in Vallai
[TamilNet, Sunday, 27 June 2010, 16:25 GMT]
Sri Lanka Army (SLA) is to construct a big base invading the lands of the abandoned Vallai Weaving Centre and the government hospital located on Uduppiddi-Valvai road in Vadamaraadchi Vallaive’li, sources in Jaffna said. SLA is forced to vacate the private and government properties in the towns and near the big junctions in Jaffna peninsula as the owners of the properties have begun claiming them.
Uduppiddi Welfare Association which has been aiming to reactivate the weaving centre and the hospital with the assistance of government and political authorities expressed its concern about SLA decision to construct a base occupying the above places. The SLA authorities in Vadamaraachi have posted a notice in the said place claiming that the land and properties are reserved for SLA and no one should enter them. The weaving centre where thousands of local people were employed and the hospital had been blasted during the war. Recently, SLA began constructing a big base in Meenaadchipuram located near Pa’n’nai and Jaffna Fort.