Eezham fishermen seize trawlers with 100 Indian fishermen in the seas off Jaffna
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 15 February 2011, 11:56 GMT]
18 fishing trawlers operated by more than 112 fishermen from Naakappaddinam of Tamil Nadu state of India, destroying the livelihood of Eezham fishermen by bottom-trawling, have been seized by the local fishermen in the seas off Point Pedro Tuesday afternoon. The trawlers are being towed to Munai in Point Pedro by the fishermen, a fishing society representative told TamilNet. The latest development comes following repeated complaints by the local fishermen over a
long period of time about the fishing trawlers destroying the fishing tools and the resources in the sea. The fishermen representatives further said around 100 Tamil Nadu fishermen were in their custody and they were being looked after well.
The fishermen representatives complained of lack of progress despite their repeated complaints. They referred to a meeting with the Indian envoy in Jaffna this week and said they wanted to demonstrate the seriousness of the issue by seizing the fishing trawlers. When Eezham Tamils had their own naval power, the Sea Tigers, Indian trawlers did not engage in such aggressive acts, the representatives of the fishermen further said blaming Colombo and New Delhi for setting Eezham Tamils against the fishermen of Tamil Nadu. "There was a clear understanding between the communities on both the sides," the representatives further said, urging Tamil Nadu political leaders to visit and witness the plight of Eezham Tamil fishermen who are threatened by the occupation of Sri Lankan military on one hand and by the invading fishing trawlers from Tamil Nadu, causing serious destruction to their livelihood. The Indian fishermen being kept captives by Vadamaraadchi fishermen are from Naakappaddinam in Tamil Nadu, the representatives of fishermen society in Point Pedro told TamilNet. Two fishing trawlers were seized in the seas of Vadamaraadchi East and were being towed to Munai in Vadamaraadchi North.  Indian trawlers held by Eezham Tamil fishermen in the seas off Point Pedro and Indian fishermen being brought to the shores in small boats