UPFA goons attack on Mullaiththeevu district accountant draws protest
[TamilNet, Friday, 30 December 2011, 08:17 GMT]
The employees at Mullaiththeevu District Secretariat on Thursday staged a token strike protesting against the attack by UPFA goons on the accountant of the District Secretariat of Mullaiththeevu on Wednesday. A five-member group of Colombo's ruling UPFA Wednesday around 7:30 p.m. entered the office of the accountant, S. Jeyakumar and attacked him. Mr. Jeyakumar has been voicing against the political interference and against the misappropriation of the funds taking place in the district, informed sources told media. The sources alleged involvement of various personalities associated with Rajapaksa establishment with vested interests, ranging from SL minister Rishad Bathiutheen to the Mullaiththeevu coordinator of North East Housing Rehabilitation Project (NEHRP) and the Puthukkudiyiruppu SLFP organiser for intervening in the affairs of the District Secretariat.
SL Police from Mullaiththeevu took into custody the attackers Wednesday, saving the accountant from their hand. However, SL minister of Industry and Commerce Rishad Bathiutheen has instructed the police to drop and forget the matter. Mr. Bathiutheen elected from Mannaar is long known to be intervening in the affairs of resettlement and the aid disbursement in Vanni misappropriating the funds and abetting Colombo's structural genocide, civil sources in Mullaiththevu alleged. The SLFP is pushing its agenda in the district through various SLFP sources such as SL minister Rishad Bathiutheen, Ranga Jayaratnam, a Colombo-based Tamil associate of Namal Rajapaksa, former parliamentarian S Kanagaratnam and SL deputy minister and paramilitary operative Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan. The civil sources also named NEHRP coordinator K. Sivajeyanthan and SLFP organiser Joy Kumar in Puthukkudiyiruppu as the other personalities confronting the work of the accountant at the district secretariat.