Spectators to Sri Lanka genocide ascend in Obama's inner circle
[TamilNet, Thursday, 06 June 2013, 11:25 GMT]
President Barack Obama Wednesday announced that he is reshuffling the US national security team by appointing the current United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice to the White House and nominated Samantha Power to take Rice's place in the UN. Sri Lanka observers point out to the ineffective role played by the two appointees during the Sri Lanka conflict, and despite the high flown rhetoric of the author of the acclaimed "A Problem from Hell" author, Samantha Power, who met with Sri Lanka's alleged genocidaire Rajapakse after the Mu'l'l'vaaykaal massacres, Rice and Power have been noted silent spectators to the Sri Lanka genocide.
"Everyone knew that Tom Donilon would be leaving and that Susan Rice would be arriving. He's [Obama] now got another very close confidante - Samantha Power - going to the United Nations. This was the team that he envisioned for his second term," Inderfurth told CBSNews.com. a longtime diplomat told CBS. "He's now got his dream team." Inner City Press (ICP) that covers United Nations in New York, said of the appointments: "Power wrote the book on genocide -- but some wonder what she DID about it, for example the 2009 slaughter of 40,000 Tamils in Northern Sri Lanka. Inner City Press covered that mass killing, and was present when anguished diaspora Tamil denounced, among others, Samantha Power for inaction. Would she have tried to at least get it onto the Security Council's agenda?," ICP questioned. Ms. Power won a Pulitzer for "A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide," her book about America's response to genocide. In the book she argues that American foreign policy in this area has failed; we promised "never again" after the Holocaust but willfully ignored genocides in Cambodia, Iraq, Bosnia, and Rwanda, she had earlier said, before she was invited to join the Obama's first campaign.
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