UNHRC failure brings in large-scale Sinhala militarisation in North
[TamilNet, Sunday, 27 April 2014, 23:11 GMT]
Hitherto unseen Sinhala militarisation is taking place in the Jaffna peninsula in recent days, especially after the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) passed a watered-down resolution leaving out the de-militarisation demand that had been proposed in the initial draft. The SL military has deployed heavy machinery in clearing 16 acres of lands 400 meters away from Kaithadi junction on Kaithadi – Maanippaay Road appropriating private lands of Tamils surrounding a former camp, transforming the place into a military cantonment. Similarly, Tamil Heroes Cemeteries that were desecrated and bulldozed have been transformed into key command and supply bases of the occupying Sinhala military in the country of Eezham Tamils. The SL military is also constructing new camps at Vallai and Valveddiththu’rai.
SL military vehicles have been transporting material appropriated from the Tamil people during the genocidal onslaught on Vanni for the military expansion. The additional SL troops deployed in Jaffna have been sheltered in Chinese fittings at the cantonment sites. While the bulldozed Tamil Heroes Cemetery at Koappaay (Maaveerar Thuyilum Illam) has been transformed into a large cantonment for 512 Brigade of the occupying SL military, a former camp of the SL military situated at Kaithadi is being transformed into another cantonment. At least 16 acres of lands owned by Eezham Tamils have been appropriated for the latest expansion of the camp site. The divisional secretary of Koappaay, when contacted by reporters, said that the SL military had not informed the local civil authorities on the latest appropriation of the private lands. There have also been reports alleging mass graves at the locality, especially after the remains of a missing Hindu priest was recovered at the site earlier. However, there has been no action in excavating the site despite the claim that several people abducted in the peninsula after 1998 and 2005 had been slain and dumped at the locality by the killer squads of the SL military intelligence. The Ellangku’lam Maaveerar cemetery destroyed by the occupying SL military at Uduppiddi has been already transformed into the main supply base of the SL Navy and Army occupying the coastal stretch of Vadamaraadchi. Similar expansions are also reported in Kodikaamam in Thenmaraadchi, where another Tamil Heroes cemetery has been transformed into a Sinhala military base. SL military camps at Vallai and Valveddiththu’rai are also being expanded into big camps with additional construction and deployment of SL troops.