USA, key actor behind deferral of OISL report: Mavai Senathiraja
[TamilNet, Tuesday, 24 February 2015, 14:00 GMT] ITAK leader Mavai Senathiraja, who attended the demonstration in Jaffna organised by the University society and the public organisations in Jaffna on Tuesday was questioned by the journalists on ITAK/TNA position on OISL deferral and on the reports of Sumanthiran backing domestic investigation mechanisms with OHCHR/international monitoring. Responding, Mr Mavai Senathiraja said: “The United States of America, who brought the resolution [in the UNHRC] is the key actor involved in the act [of the postponement]. On this matter, our Tamil people have now expressed their feeling. We will reiterate the importance of timely releasing the OISL report, as scheduled, in March. Our leaders have already talked to them [US diplomats]. However, we will convey the feelings of our people to them again.”
Responding to the question on nominated ITAK parliamentarian M.A. Sumanthiran expressing TNA supporting Colombo's domestic investigations if staged with international/OHCHR monitoring, the ITAK leader said he was yet to seek clarification from him on the matter. An executive committee meeting of the TNA leaders has been scheduled on 01st of March to discuss these matters, he said. A clarification would be sought and the official position would be announced, Mr Senathiraja said.
“Mr Sampanthan had sent a letter already in January demanding the publication of the OISL report as scheduled in March. We were firm in demanding that,” Mr Mavai further explained.
When the reporters further questioned Senathiraja on Sampanthan's recent comment that he was neither happy nor sad about the OISL deferral, the ITAK leader evaded a direct response.
“We cannot trust domestic investigations. It will only serve as a delaying tactic,” he said adding that he had learnt that the deferred OISL report was “very strong”.